RPlanter™ Product Page

ResAlt® Rplanters Plastic Planter - Modern Design for Plants and  | Durable All-Weather Planter for Outdoor or Indoor use | Removable Insert
ResAlt® Rplanters Plastic Planter - Modern Design for Plants and  | Durable All-Weather Planter for Outdoor or Indoor use | Removable Insert
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ResAlt® Rplanters Plastic Planter - Modern Design for Plants and  | Durable All-Weather Planter for Outdoor or Indoor use | Removable Insert
ResAlt® Rplanters Plastic Planter - Modern Design for Plants and  | Durable All-Weather Planter for Outdoor or Indoor use | Removable Insert
ResAlt® Rplanters Plastic Planter - Modern Design for Plants and  | Durable All-Weather Planter for Outdoor or Indoor use | Removable Insert
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ResAlt® Rplanters Plastic Planter - Modern Design for Plants and  | Durable All-Weather Planter for Outdoor or Indoor use | Removable Insert
ResAlt® Rplanters Plastic Planter - Modern Design for Plants and  | Durable All-Weather Planter for Outdoor or Indoor use | Removable Insert
ResAlt® Rplanters Plastic Planter - Modern Design for Plants and  | Durable All-Weather Planter for Outdoor or Indoor use | Removable Insert
ResAlt® Rplanters Plastic Planter - Modern Design for Plants and  | Durable All-Weather Planter for Outdoor or Indoor use | Removable Insert
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ResAlt® Rplanters Plastic Planter - Modern Design for Plants and  | Durable All-Weather Planter for Outdoor or Indoor use | Removable Insert
ResAlt® Rplanters Plastic Planter - Modern Design for Plants and  | Durable All-Weather Planter for Outdoor or Indoor use | Removable Insert
ResAlt® Rplanters Plastic Planter - Modern Design for Plants and  | Durable All-Weather Planter for Outdoor or Indoor use | Removable Insert
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ResAlt® Rplanters Plastic Planter - Modern Design for Plants and  | Durable All-Weather Planter for Outdoor or Indoor use | Removable Insert
ResAlt® Rplanters Plastic Planter - Modern Design for Plants and  | Durable All-Weather Planter for Outdoor or Indoor use | Removable Insert

ResAlt® Rplanters Plastic Planter - Modern Design for Plants and | Durable All-Weather Planter for Outdoor or Indoor use | Removable Insert


Stylish, Curvey

Engineered with the end in mind. RPlanters are completely recyclable made of Polypropylene (PP) Resin from potato chip bag liners.We Believe Going Green Should Be About The ResAlts!

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100% Recycled 
Made From Landfill-Diverted Potato Chip Bag Liners.

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What Our Customers Say

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Amazon Shopper

Very sturdy unlike other planters. Very happy that it’s made in USA from recycled plastic

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Amazon Shopper

I love this planter, it’s light weight, environmentally friendly, stylist and so much more, highly recommended.Only comment is why did Amazon package it a box, it was a box inside a box which isn’t very environmentally friendly!

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Amazon Shopper

I love the coloring, shape and size. I like how it can also be used in multiple ways like a umbrella holder by my front door. With the insert it keeps water off of my floor and umbrella.